Canada New International Student Visa Requirements: 2024 What You Need to Know?

Navigating Canada's Updated International Student Visa Requirements

by Barinder Singh Saini


Canada New International Student Visa Requirements: Navigating Significant Landscape Changes
Canada’s international student landscape has experienced significant changes in recent times, impacting prospective and current international students seeking to pursue education in the country. A pivotal shift in the cost-of-living financial requirement has been implemented, bringing about essential alterations in the visa application process. Let’s delve into the comprehensive updates and their implications for international students planning to study in Canada.

New Financial Criteria for International Students: Canada New International Student Visa Requirements

In a notable development, the Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) has revised the financial requirement for international students applying to study in Canada. Effective January 1, 2024, applicants are now mandated to demonstrate their financial preparedness by proving they have CAN$20,635 in available funds, separate from their tuition expenses. This doubling of the cost-of-living financial requirement addresses the increasing living costs and aims to ensure that international students are adequately prepared for their educational journey in Canada.

Extension of Temporary Policies:

Amidst these changes, several temporary policies that directly impact international students have undergone revisions and extensions. Notably, the waiver on the 20-hour-per-week limit for off-campus work has been extended until April 30, 2024, enabling students to engage in employment opportunities exceeding the previous limits while classes are in session. Additionally, the measure allowing students to account for online study time towards the future post-graduation work permit tenure has been extended, particularly benefiting those commencing their study programs before September 1, 2024.

Impact on Post-Graduation Work Permit Holders:

While the aforementioned extensions provide relief in certain aspects, it’s crucial to note that the temporary policy offering an additional 18-month work permit for post-graduation work permit holders expiring up to December 31, 2023, has not been extended. This factor necessitates careful consideration for individuals under this category and highlights the importance of staying informed about eligibility and policy updates.

Reforms in the International Student Program:

Recent reforms in the International Student Program signify a concerted effort to recognize and prioritize top-quality services and support provided by learning institutions, including housing facilities. An essential aspect of this reform is the expectation for learning institutions to only admit several students that they can effectively support, underscoring the focus on enhancing the overall international student experience.

Focused Initiatives and Collaborative Pilots:

Acknowledging the potential impact on prospective applicants, the Canadian government is set to collaborate with partners on targeted pilots in 2024. These pilots aim to test innovative ideas designed to support underrepresented cohorts of international students pursuing studies in Canada, showcasing an ongoing commitment to inclusivity and support within the international student community.

Quebec’s Independent Financial Benchmarks:

Quebec independently sets its cost-of-living benchmark for international students attending its educational institutions and consistently revises this benchmark, highlighting the region’s unique parameters for international student financial requirements.

The Student Direct Stream and Enhanced Application Processes:

These updated financial criteria extend to the Student Direct Stream, a specialized study permit application process tailored for residents of 14 countries. This stream emphasizes the collection of additional upfront information from applicants to facilitate priority processing, offering a streamlined avenue for eligible individuals to pursue their educational aspirations in Canada.


The revised international student visa requirements in Canada reflect a strategic focus on ensuring the preparedness and support of international students pursuing education in the country. By staying informed about these regulatory changes, prospective applicants can make informed decisions and navigate the evolving landscape of studying in Canada effectively. 


How has the cost-of-living financial requirement for international students in Canada changed?

The cost-of-living financial requirement has been doubled, mandating international students to demonstrate they have CAN$20,635 in available funds, separate from their tuition expenses.

 Are there extensions for temporary policies benefiting international students?

Yes, the waiver on the 20-hour-per-week limit for off-campus work and the measure allowing students to include online study time towards future post-graduation work permits have been extended.

What impact do the recent reforms in the International Student Program have on learning institutions?

The reforms emphasize recognizing top-quality services and support offered by learning institutions, with an expectation for institutions to admit a number of students they can effectively support.

How does Quebec’s approach differ in setting financial benchmarks for international students?

Quebec independently sets and revises its cost-of-living benchmarks for international students attending its educational institutions, showcasing regional autonomy in this aspect.

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